November 22, 2024    •    By Joe Gullo    •    Thoughts

Redefining home

Home for many people is a place where we live and are part of a community. Our communities can help solidify our connection to a place.

Home in the physical sense has always been transient for me. I left the area where I was born after graduating high school. At the time, it was not an easy decision to leave the familiar to go the unknown. A part of me knew that if I staid I would regret not taking that chance and risk.

The unknown is almost always scary and confusing. Sometimes we know what we want but a little is just enough to prevent taking that first step.

I know it is time to take that step when the feeling of regret is far more consequential than the fear of the unknown. I want my life to be filled with adventure, not of fear.

It is this mindset that helps shape my view of what home is. Home is a place of community where you can return after a long journey. It is also transient as your needs and desires evolve.

Home for me is also much more spiritually based. I view the world not necessarily as my home but as a guest and a visitor for the short period of time I am here on earth. It serves as a reminder that no matter where I am in the world — we are all one.

We do not have to attach ourselves to one home because the universe is our home. This perspective also aligns with my mission of leaving the planet better than I left it. I think of it as if I was a guest at a family or friend’s house…I wouldn’t leave it a mess just because I could.

Home for me is about communities that uphold my values and help me grow. Sometimes that means packing up and moving on when a place has served its purpose along your journey. It is okay to find a new home if the current one is no longer serving you.

There will always be the unknown of whether it is the right decision. On the flip side, there is also an unknown of how things will be if you stay. There is a risk for both and there are no guarantees. So live freely and take those chances — who knows it could be the best decision you have ever made.